sephia shot...


ops... this is i think... a SL500.... cool. haha

this is supposedly the best fries in holland@!

and even sephia shots... haha... ok, i was bored... wad do u expect?alone in amsterdam le.haha

now..... the party really gets started! hur hur hur..

bad amsterdam style... haha... dun ask me what it means cos thats the theme of the party but obviously i didnt get it.

hey.... everyone get something out of the party... even a kid's bike. hahaha

alone in amsterdam after the party... awaiting prague.

amsterdam scenery... deja vu..haha

at the swimming meet at Amsterdam...

as u can see, the meet is secondary... the post meet party is the main event! haha. me with a spanish guy and a german girl from the team (the only int. swimmers)

having good clean fun... :p

Can u believe this guy. He is ZERO alcohol and got so "high"! haha.

I really dun know where he found this location. but it sure doesnt look private (no doors). Also, the fur jacket is from the "lost and found". NICE*borat voice*